Know Your Impact

Reduce paper waste and footprint with paperless event

1 Shipping CO2 not included. Calculation based 1kg paper approximately 1kg CO2 and 1 cotton tote bag 598.6 lbs CO2.
2 Estimates include $1/lbs shipping, 5lbs/ream, 1min/bag stuffing at $8/hr wage
3 Source Facts about Paper and Paper Waste

Calculate Your Event Footprint

Number of attendees at your event:
Total number of sheets printed per attendee:
Include handouts, evaluations, daily updates, sponsor inserts, etc.
Average printing cost per attendee: $
Average tote bag cost: $
Your Results
Total number of sheets required: 150,000
Total reams of paper required: 300
Minimum bag stuffing time required: 25 hours
Estimated S&H cost at $1/lbs: $1,800
Total CO2 savings1 899,550lbs
Minimum Cost savings2 $17,000
Minimum Waste savings 1,800 lbs
Paper Production Water Savings3 58,500 gallons


Search engine with filter combination

“A lot easier than carrying around the print version!”

Bert Strange
AAR & SBL 2020

Take Advantage of Paperless Events 

Reduce CO2 Footprint with Paperless Event

Reduce Your Footprint

Printing paper programs not only causes waste but also generates tremendous amounts of CO2 and wastewater. Estimate your current impact using the free environmental calculator.

Paper waste at medical conference

Save Costs

Paperless events save you time and costs. The mobile conference app is the hub for all content and you can update it on the fly. Unlike paper, you can add trackable sponsor options.

Pivot to Virtual or support remote audiences

Support Remote Audiences

Transform your conference with a push of a button to a virtual or hybrid meeting. With all of your materials already embedded, your event app turns into an instant virtual platform.

HRS Paperless Meeting Success

Green Initiative Saves 1.6 Million Pages

EventPilot enabled the Heart Rhythm Society to reduce the printed programs by 50% in the first year, creating a more sustainable event.

Problem Apps tried previously were not reliable enough to go paperless.

Solution EventPilot allowed attendees to fully rely on the digital mobile meeting program.

Offer more value than paper could

Virtual sessions, peer networking, interactive content, boolean searches, itinerary personalization, and an always up-to-date program make our event apps a much richer experience than could ever be possible with paper.

Paperless Events Increase Engagement and Value for Attendees

Create your own conference app and planner today

Try the mobile conference app free: add up to 3 sessions, speakers, exhibitors, abstracts, and publish.